Do You Remember Me?

She said, “Bobbie do you remember me? You saved my life.” Then she said, “My name is Kenwyne.” I knew right away…this was the woman I followed in my car two years ago as she was driving up and down embankments…I was fearful for her life. I called an ambulance and right before they took her away…the Holy Spirit said to give her a card with my phone number. It had been two years and I often wondered about her life.
Most of the time during God Appointments He tells me when and who but I very rarely get to know why. When the Lord allows someone to come back into my life I instinctively have awareness of His presence. Kenwyne proceeded to say she had bought me a gift two years ago but she had lost my card. She was excited to have found it and was calling to take me to lunch.
I am not sure how to put in words what the Lord spoke through Kenwyne at our lunch. Many of you know my love for children…and how important the HIV AIDS Orphans have been in my life. Of course that has not changed, but for now God has me here in the States sharing with Women, young and old about the power of the Holy Spirit. God has been very patient with me through this journey…it is not what I would have picked. Through obedience I have discovered a powerful calling. And even though I love children, God’s will through my life is what I desire most. I say all of that to say…Kenwyne gave me a picture frame AND a painting of children. She had noticed that my card said I was an advocate for AIDS Orphans.
I shared the story of how God had recently called me to a Women’s ministry and how letting go of what I thought God wanted through my life was one of the most painful things I have ever done. As I looked at the painting through my tears she explained that God will care for all of the children through their mothers and the women He puts in their lives. She said, “Bobbie you still have a children’s ministry…it just looks different than you thought it would.” She said the greatest way to reach children is through their parents. As I left that day…I could not help think that God sent Kenwyne back to confirm He did not take the children away. Through this Appointment God let me know He does not come to take away…He comes to make a way. His way may look different with our natural eyes…But in faith and obedience His way brings Heaven on Earth to ALL God’s people.
Note: Kenwyne had the painting for over 20 years…she had just packed it in her suitcase to take to her daughter in Texas next week. The morning of our lunch the Holy Spirit gave her a thought… “The painting is for Bobbie”…she had struggled for 20 years on who to give this to and even though she had tried several times to give it away…she could not do it. As our awareness grew of this moment…we exchanged tears and tried to grasp that this God Appointment started 20 years ago. I did not save Kenwyne’s life, I just prayed that morning for a God Appointment…through my willingness God was able to touch her through my life. And two years later through her willingness God was able to touch my life. I am thankful Jesus saved each of us because today is the gift! Each day I say, “Lord is this how you love” I am encouraged and privileged to share how Jehovah and His Son Jesus communicate with us through the Holy Spirit…loving and sharing with women is everything I never knew I wanted!!

Always…Bobbie Suzette