Dear Women of Purpose Friends

Dear Women of Purpose Friends,
There is no way I could have possibly planned for our weekend together. Reflecting back I see how God worked through each one of us to release His life to us. I was so taken by the Holy Spirit and experienced major transformation in my life…Thank You! I will be honest I had one sad day after I returned home. I think my “self” had to find balance in my new life. Each time I spend time with God in such a powerful way I think my “self” has to readjust to a smaller place within me.
Karen is so sweet to let us share one last moment with you. I was thinking today if I could only tell you one thing what would I share? The messages that God gave me this weekend about “showing up” and how “a life is always good” taught me so much. But the revelation He gave me about being ME was so special. This is a word He gave to share at the conference but it was something I was not aware of until the week before our gathering. Many times in my life I wanted to be someone else and yet God was waiting for me to be who He created. When I became OK with me is when I found His voice.
Please know it is not because I am special…it is because I found someone special inside of me. The most beautiful part is each one of you has the same someone “Holy Spirit” inside of you. He is waiting for you to come home so you can hear His voice.
As I shared at the conference He talks to me for what His plan is in my life and He will talk to you in the way that you need for His plan through you. The Chapter “Open the Gift” will share gently how we can communicate with God in a special language. This language will allow Him to guide you through your God Appointments. In the back of the book you will find a study guide called “GAB Gatherings” I hope you and your friends will enjoy sharing your Appointments…GO GAB!!
A special thanks to the Women of Purpose who were led to sponsor an orphan. As you know this is the reason for my life. God confirmed this weekend that I don’t have to worry about the Children because He is working out His plan through us. My words cannot describe my emotions when I walked in Saturday morning and many of you were hovering over the Horizon table. I am looking forward to our first Women of Purpose “GO TEAM” to Africa. Ladies together we will “give God’s breath away” to His children.
Please visit to learn more about the God Appointments life style. I love each one of you…together we are growing up in HIM!!!

Bobbie Suzette